If you're among the millions of Part Time Network Marketers who are struggling to find the time and focus to grow your business, you're not alone.

In fact, you're probably in the majority.

I was in the same boat, pulling my hair out (or what's left of it!) trying to figure it all out.   I knew I had limited time to devote to my business.

What I didn't know was how to best use that time.

It got to the point where I couldn't sleep at night.  I had all sorts of ideas whirling around in my head and had no focus whatsoever.

Finally, I threw my arms up in the air in disgust and gave up.

Well, not totally, but for a while.

Instead of throwing in the towel and accepting a life of mediocrity working for a company that will spit me out when they're done with me, I went looking for answers.

I talked to every Part Time Network Marketer I could find… those that were having success and those that weren't.

And one thing became abundantly clear.

The people who were having success were using a system.

They also had a powerful business model that was working behind the scenes to make them money, even when they weren't able to work on their business.


Let me show you the business model first, and then I'll share the system I'm using.

A Time and Energy-Saving Business Model For Part Time Network Marketers

It's a simple, 3-step business model that anyone can use, regardless of experience. 

It's based on the following truths:

  • Not everyone will be interested in your primary MLM business.
  • What all Part Time Networkers CAN use is top-notch training and a ready-to-use system to build THEIR business.
  • People buy from people they know and trust.

So let me show you the model:

Part Time Network Marketers business model image

I did a detailed training on this model in a previous post, but here is the simplified explanation:

Step 1.  Your Primary MLM Business

The great thing about this business model is that it doesn't matter what your primary business is.  You can be selling nutritional supplements, greeting cards, weight loss products, etc.

You continue to prospect and show your opportunity as you've already been doing.

Step 2:  Online Attraction Marketing System

95% of the people who look at your primary business will not be interested.  For many, it will be because they already have a primary business of their own.

But what if you could show them a system that would help them build THEIR business?  

You think they'd be interested in that?  

Do you think they'd want to talk to you then?

Of course they would.

Step 3:  Your Blog

Although this isn't an absolute requirement to make this business model work, it helps because your blog will serve to brand you and to help others get to know you.

The key word is TRUST.  Your blog will show your prospects that you are a serious marketer.

They will come to like you, and that's the final piece of the puzzle.

Fitting the Pieces Together

Look at the picture of the model.  What do you see?

Hopefully, you see the leverage that's built into it — leverage of your time and your effort.

You see, your prospects might find you through advertising of your business, or they might be interested in growing their own business using an online marketing system that you've promoted.

Or they might find you directly through your blog.

It doesn't matter.  You capture their information at any of the 3 points and you are growing YOUR LIST, the biggest asset of your business.

Your prospects go from place to place — your MLM business website, your attraction marketing system website and your blog — and your chances of making money just skyrocketed!

Here's How It Might Work

Here's just one scenario where this model will leverage your time:

Mr. Prospect fills out his information on your Primary MLM Company website, indicating he wants more information.

You call your new prospect, but soon discover that he isn't interested.  He tells you he has his own business.

You ask, “Great!  Let me show you a system I'm using that will help you monetize the people who DON'T join your business”

Mr. Prospect's ears perk up.

Now you've got his attention.

Because now you're talking about something that will benefit HIM, not you.

See the difference?

But wait, he doesn't want to buy from you until he knows you a bit better.

But you're smart.  You've provided a link to your blog in your email and he heads on over to check you out.

Pretty soon you get an email from the guys over at your Marketing System saying… “You've made a commission”.

See how that works?

One lead who wasn't interested turned into a buyer, simply by having more options to offer.

That, my friend is called LEVERAGE.

What does MY Business Model Include?

The Online Attraction Marketing System I use is powerful and easy-to-use.  

This will help people with ANY business, and is even helpful to those who have yet to choose a business because of the training.

I am talking about My Lead System PRO.

Perhaps you've heard of it. 

If you have a business and you're sick and tired of losing lead after lead because they didn't like your primary business, I encourage you to check it out.

They are currently offering a 2-week trial for $9.97.  A no brainer if you're interested.

In my next post, I will reveal exactly WHY I chose MLSP over their competitors.

Your Turn

What's your experience?  Are you using a system for monetizing the leads that aren't interested in your business?



It's Your Time to SHINE!


Dr. Bob Clarke

Email: Bob@BobandRosemary.com

Join our Part-Time Essentials Facebook Group


This post may contain affiliate links to products or services that I trust.  This means that if you make a purchase using the links included in this post, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.  Thank you for the support!


Recommended Courses To Jumpstart Your Business

Crush Consistency NOW! - if you find yourself lacking consistency in your business, you must own this course! 

Part-Time Shortcuts - who says there are no shortcuts to success? This course reveals 4 shortcuts that will cut your learning curve in half.

Part-Time Mastery - if you're short on time for your business, this course is the answer!

How To Earn Your First $1000 Online - wouldn't it feel great to have more money coming IN each month than going OUT?

The Email Playground - learn how to build your email list from scratch, then what to say to your email subscribers to build trust and influence.

Audience First - how to build a tribe of buyers on Facebook and Pinterest (with Kim Ward)

The Focus and Implementation 1-Hour Challenge Recordings - boost your focus and extinguish procrastination in 1 Hour

    26 replies to "A Powerful Business Model for Part Time Network Marketers"

    • Rolands

      One really good tip for begginers are not to enter the big niches like gambling, finance and pharmaceuticals when they start their journey. I did this mistake and did not earn anything for almost one year. If you are just strating out, look for some smaller niches and try to get some results there and then move up to something more difficult.

      Your business model looks very lucrative. Maybe I`ll give it a try.

    • Robin L. Elledge

      Very well throughout article, it is very clear that this system truly leverages your time big time. I am really impressed your model and this own creation. Thanks for inspiration!

    • Jessica Smith

      Cool post bob, I planning to put up an MLM Business but still in the stage of analyzing what product I should go with. The system flow you’ve attached above is simply good and understandable. I’ll rely on this post soon once my business is out and kicking. Thanks Bob!

    • Muthu

      Hi Bob, Your article is very informative. It gave a new insight to me and today I learnt a very valuable lesson in Marketing. I also appreciate the way you explain everything and you have a pleasing mannerism. I must also appreciate your Blog, one of the well organised and attractive blogs I have come across. Thank you and my best wishes to you for everything.

    • Pete Goumas

      I really liked your model. I think, blog is important for this business because people came to know you by your blog and you can spread your words through blogging. Now blog is important for almost any type of businesses and people wants to know you and they want to read your blog. Thanks for the strategies and tips.

    • Leonard Evenson

      I think this model is a great idea. I have always been an advocate of having multiple sources of everything, whether it is income, sources of traffic, leads, it doesn’t matter. Having a good and safe foundation is important for maintaining a successful business, and I think this model can be a great base for it. Thanks for sharing this idea with us and explaining how it should work, what we should do, in order for it to work as planned. It can change the course of one’s business altogether if it is implemented properly!
      Looking forward to reading more great ideas from you,

    • Dave

      Bob – I really enjoyed this article as it hits and many important points! I have been involved in MLM and at the start tried so hard to sell the opportunity and product…it obviously had very limited positive results! Why? As you said, my prospects didn’t know me from a hole in the wall! You really do need to build up that trusting relationship…don’t hard sell….sell yourself and your unique attributes first to gain friendship and trust…over time there will be an opportunity to discuss what you are doing and what you’re into…at that point they will be more likely to join you 🙂

      • Bob

        Amen, brother! You said it perfectly!

        Thanks for sharing these insights, Dave… very powerful!

        • Dave

          You’re most welcome! It’s very true though. I don’t want to judge those who are trying to close a deal quickly, we all have a need for making extra income these days, so taking the long route of getting to know someone and building that trust seems hard at times. I certainly have to keep reminding myself of this. Be friendly, helpful and honest and success will come your way…eventually! 🙂

    • Garren

      Bob…I appreciate the concise, clear and simple explanation of the business model. I specifically liked this nugget found in the…how it might work scenario.

      “Great! Let me show you a system I’m using that will help you monetize the people who DON’T join your business”

      Absolutely wonderful…Thanks Bob.

      • Bob

        You’re welcome Garren… when you approach others in a non-threatening manner that WILL HELP SOLVE A PROBLEM they are having, the results are usually positive. Even if people don’t buy from you, I think they appreciate the approach and the fact that you’re trying to help.

        At least that’s been my experience.

        Appreciate the kind words, Garren… great to see you here!

    • Florence18Moore

      Thanks for sharing with us this kind of information ahead, I do love to pin it with my friends because I know they will learn from it too….

      • Bob

        Pin away, Florence! Thank you!

        Really glad that you’re finding value in my posts!

    • Webnoxs

      Hello Bob, Thank You for the essays, most appreciated. However there is one link that cannot be downloaded http://thegreatestnetworker.org/Library/Articles/ItsTime/IT-RandyGage-BluePillRedPill.pdf. At least, on my side. Otherwise it’s fine. Hope can get a new link on that one.

      Thank You..

      • Bob

        I believe this link is broken on the Greatest Networker site. Perhaps you can notify them. Thanks!

    • Lacey12

      Valuable information and ideas to come up and become a productive marketer, this is how I see on what you have brought with us…

      • Bob

        Thanks, Lacey!

    • Elizabeth

      Great post! A complete set of information and strategies for those who are wanted to built up a part time network marketing…

      • Bob

        Thanks, Elizabeth.

    • Azam

      I am really impressed your model and this your own creation. It is successful research work that is very necessary to get juice of efforts.

    • Ayesha

      Quite informative Blog! it’s about selling of products no matter what the primary business is. Mostly people like to visit those sites which give them benefit as they have no time to waste. So always include those things which attract most people. Forever be a serious marketer as it shows from the blog.

    • Brett

      Very well though out article – it is very clear that this system truly leverages your time big time. The combination of Primary MLM business, marketing training systems and your own branding blog is what every network marketer who wants success should be implementing…Thanks for sharing this.

    • Steven


      You have great strategy in place and I believe it is working very well.

      Some time ago while I was still trying to do network marketing only part time I suggestible and couldn’t make anything but after I got fired from my job I started with way more enthusiasm and this was major breakthrough as doing something part time for me was just wasting time and not achieving anything.

      Thanks for inspiration!

    • Radu

      Hey Bob,
      Love the image..it explains very well the process and the flexibility that we can adopt when working with your list. Your blog is the beginning-it offers quality info , brands you and serves as a gateway for the people who are interested-capture pages that lead them to your mailing list. The system is a perfect fit right now because it keeps training and education without you needing to remain stuck at your laptop.
      As Ryan said, systems do work. It’s our job to put all the pieces of the puzzle or rearange them until the “final picture” makes sense.

      Thank you for sharing these insights. They bring more clarity 🙂
      All the best,

    • Adrienne

      This my friend is the key to success.

      You continue to build your business and follow up with your leads. Those who aren’t interested in your business will definitely want to know how to market better. From that point on, if and when they finally are ready to admit they aren’t getting anywhere in their main business, you’ll be right there to show them the way. Brilliant strategy and one that has been working for a very long time.

      I personally love MLSP and actually balked about it for awhile. But I’m no dummy and they definitely have so many areas of training that you just can’t get many other places. Their webinars and support are really great and you only need to get a few people signed up under you and it pays for itself.

      Great layout here Bob…


    • Ryan Biddulph

      Hi Bob,

      Benefits-based marketing. Perfect!

      They key is stressing how your offering benefits the individual. Each individual is different, with different hopes, needs, desires, problems, etc. Tailor your offering to their needs. If you are not a match, simply release, to make room for a ton more good matches to show up.

      System work. People fail. I have read this again and again, and boy does it ring true. It’s my mantra throughout the day, keeping me on my system.

      Thanks for sharing Bob!


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