mistakes using social media for recruitingIf you're building your Network Marketing business Part Time and not using Social Media for recruiting, you're missing out on a huge opportunity.

Not many Part Timers I know have time to walk the mall looking for prospects, host home parties, or place 100 calls to purchased “leads” who have no idea why they're being called.

Enter social media.

Social media has allowed Part Time Marketers to leverage their time like never before.

With social media…

— You can easily find people who are already interested in finding a home business.

— You can easily find people who have interest in your product or service.

— And you can easily find people who are ripe for joining your team.

All accomplished with a few clicks of your mouse.

Never before has it been so easy to find prospects for your business!

But the problem is people often have trouble building engagement that will set them up as an authority. 

With this in mind, here are…


3 Big Mistakes When Using Social Media For Recruiting.

When using social media for recruiting, the ease of finding potential prospects is usually counteracted by the mistakes people make during the recruiting process.

Marketers get SO excited finding people who have an interest in joining a business…

That they FORGET that success is built on RELATIONSHIPS!


1 – You propose marriage before the first date!

I see so many marketers using social media for recruiting doing this.

“Join my team!”

“If I can show you a way…”

“You've got to see this!”

… all before the first hello!!

Cardinal rule:  Remember the social media is SOCIAL  Your prospects are people, not just numbers for your business…get to know them a little first!


2 – You have no idea how to bring up your business

Then you have the opposite to the marriage proposal…

People who are AFRAID to bring up their business, are afraid of looking spammy or unprofessional.

And I have to say, there's an art to it.

If you bring it up too soon, you've lost.

And if you wait forever to bring up your business, you've lost again.

My best tip:  Don't wait too long to bring up your business.  If you do, the entire conversation will seem fake to your prospect and you'll never get them back.


3 – You don't know how to begin the conversation

There are a few different mistakes people make in the first conversation with someone they just met on social media…

— They don't stand out.  I often get private messages from people I've never met that simply say “hi” or “hello”.  Lame!

Find a way to stand out from all the other messages people get on social media.  Look at their profile.  Find something in common and talk bout it in your first conversation.

In a nutshell, come off as a normal human being… not a sleazy salesperson!

If you're feeling unsure about where to find prospects to talk to, what to say, and how to seal the deal, I highly recommend this training.

It includes actual tested SCRIPTS that will help you all along the way.


Want To Go Deeper?

I have access to a 5-Day Challenge called Posting For Profits that will teach you all you need to know about building your business on Facebook. 

  • How and what to post on Facebook to promote your products without feeling spammy
  • What to change on your Facebook Profile so you'll stop being pitched all the time
  • How to position yourself as an authority, even when you don't have the results to back it up.

Make sure you grab this Challenge for $1.  It will revolutionize your business.


Recommended Courses To Jumpstart Your Business

Crush Consistency NOW! - if you find yourself lacking consistency in your business, you must own this course! 

Part-Time Shortcuts - who says there are no shortcuts to success? This course reveals 4 shortcuts that will cut your learning curve in half.

Part-Time Mastery - if you're short on time for your business, this course is the answer!

How To Earn Your First $1000 Online - wouldn't it feel great to have more money coming IN each month than going OUT?

The Email Playground - learn how to build your email list from scratch, then what to say to your email subscribers to build trust and influence.

Audience First - how to build a tribe of buyers on Facebook and Pinterest (with Kim Ward)

The Focus and Implementation 1-Hour Challenge Recordings - boost your focus and extinguish procrastination in 1 Hour


It's Your Time to SHINE!


Dr. Bob Clarke

Email: Bob@BobandRosemary.com

Join our Part-Time Essentials Facebook Group


This post may contain affiliate links to products or services that I trust.  This means that if you make a purchase using the links included in this post, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.  Thank you for the support!


    8 replies to "Using Social Media For Recruiting: 3 Big Mistakes You’re Probably Making"

    • Rahul Kumar

      Useful post by you!!! In these days, social media is the backbone of the company. Most of companies are using this medium for marketing, recruitment, etc. But for recruiting, the company should present oneself and then should know all about the candidate.

    • Sanjeet Veen

      Using social media, especially the LinkedIn for recruiting can be the right move. But be sure to check the endorsements of the candidates. In most of the cases, those endorsements are not genuine and are the result of you pat on my back and I will do the same for you. Professional networking is talking with only a few people who know you personally who are willing to vouch for your performance and introduce you to people whom you don’t know. But this is slowly disappearing.

      • Bob Clarke

        Hi Sanjeet, agree that Linkedin is awesome

    • Joan J. Carrigan

      Most important is to “be your self” on social media before you start marketing, advertising/recruiting. Sometimes, I find that even if we I am not selling or looking a job, I receive sales and recruiting inquires, just based on what I have published – this could be a sign that people are looking for a person natural like you.

    • Chuck Holmes

      Great points man. The biggest issue I see is people spamming their link everywhere. And then there are the folks who use attraction marketing, but don’t know how to turn people into leads or convert. I use a group myself and have done pretty well with it. That being said, I have recruited a TON more people from my blog than from social media. Just my two cents.

      • Bob Clarke

        Having a blog is huge. I actually use it as a hub and point people to it from social media. Further social proof and it’s not surprising that it works for you.

    • Josh Paiva

      Hey Bob, great advice on social media when recruiting. I see you work with Ray and Jessica. They are really awesome trainers. I’ll definitely be back to read more. Thanks again.

      • Bob Clarke

        Yeah, Ray and Jess are great trainers and coaches. Thanks for stopping by!

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