I have NOTHING to offer!
If so, I've got good news and even better news…
The good news is…
You're Not Alone!
Pretty much everyone has had that thought at some point especially when just staring out or…
If you've gotten NO results to speak of.
We've all been there. It sucks, I know.
Now for the even BETTER NEWS…
You're 100% WRONG!
You ALWAYS have something to offer someone because you ALWAYS know something that others don't.
Forget about results…
Have you read an amazing book lately…
And could you SHARE your insights with others?
Have you been on a truly amazing training lately and learned a nugget or two you could share?
Have you learned how to do something technical lately that would help someone out?
You see what I mean?
You ALWAYS have something that if of value to SOMEONE ELSE..
Stop worrying about how many leads you've generated.
Stop sweating over the fact that you haven't made a dime yet.
Stop beating yourself up for what you haven't done…
And get off your butt and SHARE what you DO know…
something helpful to others.
It's the beginning of MAGIC, I'm telling ya…
When you put the focus on what you know and HELPING OTHERS…
And away from what you haven't accomplished…
Not only will you help others…
But you'll feel GREAT about yourself and in the process, guess what?
You'll become more ATTRACTIVE!
Others will gravitate towards you…
And the snowball effect begins.
Hope this helps you out today!
P.S…. This puts a whole new meaning to the phrase “Go For No”…
2 replies to "I Have Nothing To Offer Anyone Else…"
I completely agree that online business and internet marketing need lot of patience and great hard work . It is very important for nay blogger to develop these to have successful blogging life.Thank you for sharing.
Hello Bob
Read your post that is establishing the confidence of the visitors to purchase training course that can 100% benefits the purchaser. But for online income a lot of patience is require. Is developing patience is part of your training course