There's a key ingredient that all successful marketers emphasize in their business — building trust with their target market.

After all, as the saying goes…

“People buy from those they Know, Like, and Trust!”

As an affiliate marketer who's participated in many contests, I've been witness to the “surprise” showing of marketers with relatively small lists.

Most can't figure out how the relative unknown beat the big-time marketer with the gigantic list.

The “secret” isn't a secret at all…it mostly comes down to TRUST.

Inevitably, the person making the sales with the loyal following is the same person who has worked hard building trust with their target market.

It's not fast… it's not always easy…

But it is essential and EXTREMELY profitable.

building trust

10 Keys To Building Trust With Your Target Market

Here are 10 keys to building trust with your target market…


1.– Say what you're going to do and then do it.  Simply put, keep your word.


2.–  Sell without selling out.  Focus on what will help your audience and team rather than the size of the commission.


3.– Value long-term relationships more than short-term success.  You're in your business for the long term.  Don't sabotage it because you came across a shiny object with a big fat payout.


4.– When you screw up, admit it.  Everyone makes mistakes.  The person who owns their mistakes and makes no excuses will gain trustworthiness very quickly.


5.– Be transparent, especially in regards to your results.  If you don't have results yet, say so.  And if you have been getting some results, make sure it's understood how you were able to achieve them.


6.– Be personal.  As much as you feel comfortable, reveal some personal details about your life.  This will help others trust you because they can identify with your situation, shortcomings, etc.


7.– Become a coach.  When you guide people and help them become better, you gain a lot of credibility and trust.


8.– Be able to say “I don't know”.  When someone asks a question you don't know the answer to, admit it.  Don't try to be a know-it-all.  Building trust will go faster if you connect them with people who know the answer, rather than giving them an answer that isn't correct.


9.– Be competent.  Keep increasing your knowledge and improving yourself so you can teach others what you know.  Always remember to give credit to where you learned something.  This also will build trust.


10.– Understand that trust is earned, one step at a time.  You can't rush the process of building trust.   It happens gradually over time as you prove yourself again and again.


In today's “I want it now!” society, it can be hard to hear that something takes time before full benefits are seen.  But that's definitely the case with Building Trust with your prospects.

Trust must be valued.

Trust must be nurtured.

And definitely, Trust must be protected.



Trust takes time to earn and a second to lose!


Be very careful that your actions for immediate gratification don't destroy the trust you'll need to have a long-term profitable business!


It's Your Time to SHINE!


Dr. Bob Clarke


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This post may contain affiliate links to products or services that I trust.  This means that if you make a purchase using the links included in this post, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.  Thank you for the support!


Recommended Courses To Jumpstart Your Business

Crush Consistency NOW! - if you find yourself lacking consistency in your business, you must own this course! 

Part-Time Shortcuts - who says there are no shortcuts to success? This course reveals 4 shortcuts that will cut your learning curve in half.

Part-Time Mastery - if you're short on time for your business, this course is the answer!

How To Earn Your First $1000 Online - wouldn't it feel great to have more money coming IN each month than going OUT?

The Email Playground - learn how to build your email list from scratch, then what to say to your email subscribers to build trust and influence.

Audience First - how to build a tribe of buyers on Facebook and Pinterest (with Kim Ward)

The Focus and Implementation 1-Hour Challenge Recordings - boost your focus and extinguish procrastination in 1 Hour


    2 replies to "10 Keys To Building Trust With Your Target Market"

    • Philip

      Well said Bob! Every point is spot on. #7 speaks to me the most.

      • Bob Clarke

        Glad you got value, Phillip!

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