So you have a part-time home business and you’d like to go full-time?

Perfect.  I can help with that…

Because that’s exactly what I did when, on October 25, 2019, I left my healthcare career of 35 years and went full-time in my marketing business.

part time home business

My story is a bit different from most in that I started my business for the future.  I loved my job and my career and had no intentions of leaving it.  But I was over 50 years old and starting to think about retirement.

And I wanted options when the time came.  I didn’t want to be dependent on anyone else for my retirement, especially the Federal Government.

So I started my part-time home business for the long term, and believe me when I say that I made every mistake in the book.

I had no sales and marketing skills and barely any tech skills, so I was literally starting from scratch.

But I became enamored with a marketing-type business and how to build it 100% online, which was a necessity because I had very little time to devote to my little part-time home business.

When I finally hung up my lab coat for the final time and transitioned into full-time entrepreneurship, I took some time to reflect on how to help others navigate the same path – how to go from a part-time home business to full-time business owner.

I identified 7 major tips or lessons to help you on your journey.

Watch the video below to learn about these major lessons as I grew my home business from part-time to full-time:

Part Time Home Business:  7 Important Tips/Lessons To Go Full Time

I’ve identified 7 major lessons I learned which may help in your home business journey.

1 – When learning new skills, you must implement as you go.

When I first started my business, I knew NOTHING about sales and marketing.  So I knew I need to skill-up.

The mistake I made was learning without implementing.

I was on webinars 5-6 nights per week and had notebooks full of notes as a result.

But I rarely actually DID anything with this knowledge.

Knowledge without implementation is a waste.

2 – Strategic learning trumps general knowledge

To get the most out of your knowledge, go deep, not wide.

This means…

Get specialized in your learning rather than just  knowing shallow generalized facts.

As in medicine where the surgeon makes the big bucks, so does the marketer with specialized knowledge.

3 – Don’t allow others to map out your journey

I was too often a follower in my business journey.

Too often, I would go off in a different direction at the urging of someone I considered to be a leader.

Rather than stay in one place and just build my audience, I was easily swayed off my path…

And that was a big mistake that cost me a lot of time.

4 – Often your journey will help you decide your audience

If you're having trouble identifying your specific target marketing and audience, it's quite likely that your journey will give you a clue.

Because I was Part-Time in my business for many years (by design), I understood the challenges and pain points that came with it.


I knew it like the back of my hand.

And I knew how to help others on the same path.

It's quite possible that your business journey will present your target market, if you're paying attention.

5 – Look at your job as a way to pay the bills and fund your business

Don't hate your job or your boss.

You can dislike where you are at the present time, but shift your attitude.

Instead of despising your job, consider that it's your job that's allowing you to build your business on the side.

Your job is paying the bills.

Your job is feeding the family.

Your job may even be funding your side business.

Be thankful in the present.

6 – Make the decision to go full time

Nothing happens with out a decision.

I made the decision to go full-time in my business and a year later, we were out of our job.

And when I did, I told my family, I told my business coach, and yes… I told my boss.

Not only does it feel good to make the decision, but it adds a sense of urgency to your current circumstances.

7 – Ask for help, but choose wisely

I am fully supportive of asking for help in your business.

But just be sure you ask the right person.

You're looking for someone who a) has done what you're trying to do and b) can teach you how to do it, too.

It can be hard to find this combination in a person, but it's a worthwhile search.

Choose your help wisely.

BONUS LESSON – Identify and prioritize your money activities

I've saved the best for last — the BONUS TIP.

If you want your business success to go faster, you must identify those activities in your business that give you the best chance of getting results.

I call these your Money Activities and they're different depending on things like your business model and your current level of success.

But once you've identified them and learn to prioritize them effectively, you can't be stopped.

If you haven't already done so, be sure to download your FREE Stupid Simple Daily Action Guide to determine YOUR money activities.


It's Your Time to SHINE!


Dr. Bob Clarke


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This post may contain affiliate links to products or services that I trust.  This means that if you make a purchase using the links included in this post, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.  Thank you for the support!


Recommended Courses To Jumpstart Your Business

Crush Consistency NOW! - if you find yourself lacking consistency in your business, you must own this course! 

Part-Time Shortcuts - who says there are no shortcuts to success? This course reveals 4 shortcuts that will cut your learning curve in half.

Part-Time Mastery - if you're short on time for your business, this course is the answer!

How To Earn Your First $1000 Online - wouldn't it feel great to have more money coming IN each month than going OUT?

The Email Playground - learn how to build your email list from scratch, then what to say to your email subscribers to build trust and influence.

Audience First - how to build a tribe of buyers on Facebook and Pinterest (with Kim Ward)

The Focus and Implementation 1-Hour Challenge Recordings - boost your focus and extinguish procrastination in 1 Hour

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