If you're a small business owner and you're not marketing on Facebook, you're missing a golden opportunity to build a loyal following that will buy from you over and over again.

It's truly one of the top platforms for leveraging your time and increasing both influence and reach for your business.

If you came here looking for a step by step guide for Marketing on Facebook, that's not what this post is about…

This is about not looking like everyone else on Facebook when it comes to building your business…

it's about STANDING OUT from the crowd!

Check out the video below for 4 ninja tips on how to STOP looking like everyone else on Facebook:

Like those tips?

Here are 2 more to help you STAND OUT from the rest of Facebook.


5.  Marketing on Facebook —  Flesh Out Your Profile

I'm always amazed when I click the “About” tab on someone's profile and it's just a bunch of links… or nothing at all.

When Marketing on Facebook, this is one of the BEST ways to Stand Out from the Crowd…

and Facebook is making it so EASY for you.

So what should you include on your About page?

Simple… tell your story.

Be personal.

Let people get to know you.

And tell them WHY you started a home business, and describe your experience.

Even if you're just starting, others who are just starting will be interested in watching your progress…

Because it will help THEM.

Below, I've taken a screenshot of our story on our Facebook About tab:


marketing on facebook image

6. Marketing on Facebook:  Stand Out with Images

When you're marketing on Facebook, there's a tendency by newbies and even experienced marketers to stick to business.

If you're in this category, you're missing a BIG chance to stand out by using images.

Most people are visual —

It's been shown that more people are engaged with my photos and images, and are more likely to click on the image than on a text link.

So use images to your advantage when marketing on Facebook.

  • Post personal images of your family, your friends, and your experiences.
  • Add in photos of a personal development nature – quotes you like and find motivational.

You can find these by searching on Google, for example by typing in “Success quotes” and then clicking on Images.

Mix it up — don't just post images about your business.

Allow people the opportunity to know you, like you, and eventually trust you.

That's when the MAGIC happens!


More Free Training

Marketing on Facebook isn't hard, but you DO need to know what you're doing.  Otherwise, you can waste a LOT of time and even money.

Here's more Free Facebook Training to help you get more customers, more sales, and more people in your downline in the fastest time possible.


It's Your Time to SHINE!


Dr. Bob Clarke

Email: Bob@BobandRosemary.com

Join our Part-Time Essentials Facebook Group


This post may contain affiliate links to products or services that I trust.  This means that if you make a purchase using the links included in this post, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.  Thank you for the support!


Recommended Courses To Jumpstart Your Business

Crush Consistency NOW! - if you find yourself lacking consistency in your business, you must own this course! 

Part-Time Shortcuts - who says there are no shortcuts to success? This course reveals 4 shortcuts that will cut your learning curve in half.

Part-Time Mastery - if you're short on time for your business, this course is the answer!

How To Earn Your First $1000 Online - wouldn't it feel great to have more money coming IN each month than going OUT?

The Email Playground - learn how to build your email list from scratch, then what to say to your email subscribers to build trust and influence.

Audience First - how to build a tribe of buyers on Facebook and Pinterest (with Kim Ward)

The Focus and Implementation 1-Hour Challenge Recordings - boost your focus and extinguish procrastination in 1 Hour

    13 replies to "Marketing on Facebook – 6 Ninja Tactics to Help You Stand Out From the Crowd"

    • Pat Drummond

      Haha, yes as the other commenter mention, love to be a ninja. Aside from doing ninja business, I think Facebook and other social media sites are a great way to connect to your clients. Spending a minute or two on completing the profile information is certainly important. Web surfers today are becoming more web savvy and they like to research the business before connecting with them. So having an FB page is a great way for visitors to get to know you and down the line it will make it easier to build trust.

    • Brian Tally

      Always great to learn to become a ninja! What you have pointed out are really simple and almost obvious ways to stand out, yet I’m surprised by how many people don’t do it. Completing your profile and taking the extra minute to build your FB page can really make a different. Especially when a new client visits you. You want to have a good impression and build a sense of trust. A little effort goes a long way. Cheers. -Brian

    • Ahsan

      I already have a Facebook Page to marketing my site. But I didn’t get enough likes in my page.

      Thanks for sharing some valuable tips. I’ll implement in my page

    • Laura

      Hi, Bob! Great tips. One other thing that I like about Facebook is that I can share videos and pictures. We all know that blogging is slowly transforming into video blogging, so sharing videos from Youtube on your profile is just another marketing strategy.

    • Stacey

      Facebook is definitely a cost-effective and budget friendly way to market your product.With the billions of users world wide word gets out fast. The next thing you know, you’re placing orders in for people in different countries.

    • Emilia

      Facebook is definitely the ‘new’ advertisement pool. Say goodbye to print ads guys. The way technology is nowadays the printing business will definitely come to a halt.

    • Kristine

      Great job on this. I have to agree with you, there’s nothing like a little ‘personal’ feel. As a customers I look for that. Businesses that actually connect to their clients are definitely going to succeed.

    • Joy

      Facebook and other social media sites have helped a lot in various marketing strategies. It has definitely changed the game plan of marketers everywhere.

    • Sandra

      Marketing has definitely changed over the past few decades. Back then we had newspapers, magazine. Today we still have that but the internet makes it easier, it’s eco friendly and light on the budget.

    • Purnima

      Facilitative share.
      Great tips to manage FB page effectively . The videos has helpful tips. Using social media to entice readers and boost business requires lot of smart moves. Thanks for the share.

    • Eyram

      This is awesome. Your blog post rocks. I keep coming here for more information. Thanks for sharing.

    • Tom

      I took your advice and spiced up my FB page. It was good but like you said it could always be better.
      Thank you!

    • abdelrhman

      Great content and really useful steps to follow to do professional marketing with facebook and make a good reputation for your self . Thanks for share 🙂

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