In the following post, I’m going to show you how I was able to boost my blog’s Alexa Ranking by 108% and dramatically increase my traffic, subscribers, and comments in just 30 days.

The best part?

It’s something anyone can do — even Part-Time Networkers like me with limited time to blog!

My 30-Day Blogging Experiment

Blogging is such a powerful way to brand yourself, make connections and build relationships, and make money online!  After months of floundering around the blogging world, posting inconsistently and half-heartedly, and treating my blog like a hobby, I finally came to this realization:

boost alexa ranking comic

“If I was going to make blogging a major part of my online business, I needed to get SERIOUS!

I wanted to see what it would take to really boost my blog presence, increase my traffic and my subscribers.  But I didn’t want to spend 40 hours/week doing it!

In fact, if you are regular readers here you know that I am a proud member of the Part Time Networker Club.  In other words, I have a full-time job and the usual family obligations so I am only able to work on my business (and my blog) for a couple of hours each night.

So here was my question:

Was it possible to really improve my Blog Performance without blogging every night of the week?

Typical Benchmarks to Measure Blog Performance

There are quite a few typical benchmarks that people use to compare your blog to others:

Alexa Ranking is a measure of the traffic coming to your blog.  It’s usefulness is in question for some sites, but it at least gives you an indication of where your blog stands in comparison to others in your niche.  A lower Alexa score is considered “better” and is associated with a blog or website getting a higher amount of incoming traffic.

Google Page Rank is a link analysis algorithm that ranks a blog or site according to many variables, including the number and type of incoming links.  GPR is based on a scale of 0-10; the higher number, the better.

Number of Subscribers – how many people subscribe to your blog using either the RSS feed or email subscription.

Number of Comments – how many comments you receive on your posts – a measure of reader participation and interest.

Unique Monthly Visitors – a measure of traffic, how many unique visitors come to your blog

Bounce Rate – a  bounce is when a visitor lands on one page of your site, and doesn’t visit another page in your site.  When expressed as a percentage of your overall visitors, bounce rate can be calculated (Lower is better).

Time on Site – how much time each visitor spends on your site (higher is better).

My Results

Below are 2 screenshots taken off my blog, one in the beginning of April and the other in the beginning of May (30 days apart):

boost alexa ranking screenshot
April 5, 2011
boost alexa ranking screen shot
May 4, 2011



So let’s compare and look at the percent change in our benchmarks:

Alexa Ranking …………… + 108% (decreased by over 350,000)

Google Page Rank……….. No change (2)

Number of Subscribers ….. + 58%

Number of Comments …… + 111%

Unique Monthly Visits….. + 61%

Bounce Rate – did not change (62%)

Time on Site – did not change much (went from 4 min 39 sec to 4 min 13 sec)

# of posts in 30 days = 8


In 30 days, I was able to boost my Alexa Ranking by 108%, increase my traffic (unique visitors), better engage my readers (comments) and provide content they were truly interested in receiving (subscribers), all with writing only 2 posts per week!


What’s The Secret?….  Drum Roll, Please

Okay, let’s get one thing clear.

While I do find these results extraordinary (at least for me), I didn’t do anything extraordinary to achieve these results.

And any one of you can do the same thing while only spending a couple of hours each day (not including weekends) on your blog.

Here’s What Was Different About This Month

1.  I decided to become a real blogger

This may sound like a no-brainer, but before this month I would call myself a “weekend blogger”, similar to the weekend warrior, I suppose (you know, those middle age guys who do no activity during the week and then blow out their knee on the weekend trying to be 20 again).

I have seen firsthand how powerful blogging can be for other people, and I decided that if I was going to be successful, I would need to be serious and get to work.

This was more of a mindset shift, but it was an important change for me this past month.

2.  I set a blogging schedule and stuck to it!

The key here is consistency.  Before this month, I would write a few posts when I felt inspired and then leave my blog alone for days or weeks at a time.  In April, I set a schedule to write 2 good quality blog posts each week, no exceptions.

Two posts each week is highly do-able for even part-time Networkers with a busy job, like me.

3.  I got serious about blog promotion

Even the most well-written posts are useless unless others see them!  So I knew I needed to get serious about promoting each blog post.

  • I shared each post with my social media networks and bookmarked them on Digg and Stumbleupon.
  • I joined a few relevant Facebook groups and promoted my blog posts when appropriate.
  • I promoted my posts in, with links back to my site.

4.  I joined a Blog Commenting Tribe

Tribes have become the new buzzword, and with good reason.  The idea behind a Blog Commenting Tribe is that members comment on each other’s blog posts, with an option to share in social media if they so desire.

It’s a great way to meet other bloggers, build those critical relationships and get many great comments on your blog.

There are several tribes that are quite good and I am a member of many of them, including Empowered Tribe, Unified Tribe, and TSA Mastery.

However, with limited time I couldn’t possibly participate effectively in each tribe, so I chose one.

5.  I Made a Blog Commenting Strategy

Before this month, I would randomly find some interesting blog post and leave a half-hearted comment, not paying much attention to any response I would receive.

I know that blog commenting is a great way to drive traffic back to your own site, but I needed to have a strategy.  Otherwise, I could waste a lot of time.

I will reveal my entire blog commenting strategy on my next post, but it’s important to understand that you must have a plan when it comes to blog commenting.  If you are building your business part time, you can’t afford to jump around and comment on any blog that looks interesting.

Be sure to read: Effective Blog Commenting for Part Time Networkers.

There’s More Work To Do!

This has been an amazing month.

In just 30 days I was able to make some great strides toward making my blog more relevant and more visible.  And I did it in a very time-efficient manner!

But there’s much more to do:

  • I must continue to be consistent in my posting schedule and do the promotion necessary to continue bringing traffic to my blog.
  • My Bounce Rate is still much too high.  This means that the majority of people are leaving after reading only one page.  I will need to do a better job at deeper link building to bring this down.
  • I need to work on increasing my Google Page Rank.  To do this, I’ll need to get many more inbound links from sites of authority.  I will be developing a strategy for doing this in the coming months.

I’ll keep you in the loop and report my progress next month!


It's Your Time to SHINE!


Dr. Bob Clarke


Join our Part-Time Essentials Facebook Group


This post may contain affiliate links to products or services that I trust.  This means that if you make a purchase using the links included in this post, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.  Thank you for the support!


Recommended Courses To Jumpstart Your Business

Crush Consistency NOW! - if you find yourself lacking consistency in your business, you must own this course! 

Part-Time Shortcuts - who says there are no shortcuts to success? This course reveals 4 shortcuts that will cut your learning curve in half.

Part-Time Mastery - if you're short on time for your business, this course is the answer!

How To Earn Your First $1000 Online - wouldn't it feel great to have more money coming IN each month than going OUT?

The Email Playground - learn how to build your email list from scratch, then what to say to your email subscribers to build trust and influence.

Audience First - how to build a tribe of buyers on Facebook and Pinterest (with Kim Ward)

The Focus and Implementation 1-Hour Challenge Recordings - boost your focus and extinguish procrastination in 1 Hour

    111 replies to "How I Boosted my Blog’s Alexa Ranking by 108% in 30 Days"

    • Doreen

      I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great.
      I do not know who you are but certainly you are going to
      a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers!

    • hitesh

      Thanks to share the ways. From all for these, I find that the tribe is an interesting way to do it. I think I will try it to my blog.

    • Clara

      Very informative post. You introduced to several new resources I hadn’t heard of. One that helped boost my Alexa rank was just to put the Alexa widget on my blog. Seems to jump you up a few thousand places.

    • Anonymous

      Very nice blog. Its really helpful to us. Your efforts are really admirable. Such type of blog inspires me. Thanks and keep it up. Waiting for your next post.

    • That’s great! This will surely help me and to many others. Thank you for sharing so wonderful information.

    • Shari McGuire

      Thank you very much for sharing how you increased your blog traffic! I’m amazed that you were able to make that much progress with only 8 posts. I just printed this blog post and will use these tips to increase my blog traffic. Love your new site!

      Shari McGuire

      • Bob

        Thanks, Shari! Appreciate the kind words of support.

        Great news! — Your book just arrived on my doorstep yesterday, straight from Amazon. Can’t wait to dig in!

        Thanks for the feedback, Shari!

    • Anonymous

      This is a great lesson. I have been trying to get my alexa rank down (or up how ever you look at it lol) for months now. People said to buy traffic, or spam and other junk. This is the first story I can put to good use. Thanks for sharing this with us.

      • Bob

        Glad you found the information useful.

        Let us know how you progress!

    • santhosh

      It’s a nice blog you have over here! It’s very usefull information for me and I just want to thank you for that! If you post more threads as this one, I’ll follow your blog active!

    • Renee

      Hi Bob,

      Great tips! I’ve always heard about blog tribes but never looked into where to find them. I’ll have to check out the ones you mentioned. I noticed you didn’t mention Blokube (which is where I found you). I just joined it myself, so I’m hoping it is also a good one.


    • Lesa

      One of the things that helped me solidify my internal belief that I am a “real professional blogger” was to participate in a 30 day blogging challenge — with the goal of posting every day for 30 days. Most people make it less than 7 days, but if you can keep at it to the end, you’ll discover you have a lot more to write about than you thought … and you’ll have cemented the habit of writing regularly in your life.

      But even having tons of great content won’t get you traffic if you don’t do anything to promote it. Thanks for some great tips on getting those great posts in front of more people.

    • Victor

      Gracias. Pues esto me sirve de mucho ya que nunca veo que el rank de alexa sube y eso que las estadisticas directas del servidor me disen que tengo una media 1600 visitas diarias.

    • Bob, thanks for the case study (one of the best kind of posts for improving bounce rate and increasing your blog by the way 🙂 One little tip I’d like to share (which I haven’t done yet) is to “claim your site” over at Alexa. It’s a great way to spice up your Alexa listing. Also, if you are in a tribe, you might want to give each other positive reviews of each others’ sites in Alexa.

      • Bob

        I have heard this also, Steve, although I have yet to do it. Thanks for reminding me!

        Love your blog, by the way. It’s always very thought provoking and informative.

    • Sally Thompson

      Thanks for sharing us this post! I really don’t pay attention to this but I really want to know more about this.

      • Bob

        Glad you found it useful, Sally!

    • Esmael

      Hi Bob,

      This has taken me by surprise because I really don’t pay attention to my Alexa rank. I just build links by guest blogging and joining conversations on some really interesting posts. Now I understand how important it is. I should also consider the commenting tribe you mentioned since my friends are also using it and has really added some good link juice for their blogs.


    • Reika

      Thanks Bob, I love your post and the splash of information you shared. The blog commenting tribe looks like a good option. I want to know more about it. Thanks!

    • Holly

      I have to say that I joined a blogging syndication group and made sure that I blogged 3 times a week, and I actually dropped by Alexa ranking by 299000, in 30 days. So if I add all your wonderful tips, I can do even better!! Way to go and thanks for the tips! And of course the more efficient get at writing and doing all the extras, the better.. I don’t remember what my bounce rate is but I would love that change for the better too!

    • Melodie Kantner

      Thanks for sharing your stats with us. I know consistency is a huge key that I need to work on with blogging. Being in TSA is a big help but I find myself playing catch up at the end of the week. I am full time working from home but I end up on the phone a lot working with team members and updating things in our members area. I know I need to make blogging more of a daily priority. You have inspired me. 😉

    • […] To see exactly what we did, head over to How I Boosted my Blog’s Alexa Ranking by 108% in 30 Days. […]

    • […] How I Boosted my Blog’s Alexa Ranking by 108% in 30 Days […]

    • GM KONOK

      I understand, but why i not improve my alexa rank? how ever i am satisfy for my page rank with 3. Thanks for share a great concept.

      • Bob

        You’ll need to give me some more details on what you’ve done to improve your Alexa rank. Then I may be able to help.

    • Rico

      Congratulations on the huge Alexa boost. I know someone who overnight (literally) increased his traffic by like 65 visitors per day merely by adding it to various dofollow lists such as at places like digitalpoint forums. If you haven’t done this yet, you might want to (and possibly update these listings as you gain pagerank).

      • Bob

        I’ll definitely check that out, Rico. Thanks!

    • Larry Lewis

      Awesome post. This will help alot of bloggers improve. I did most of what you have shown, and achieved the same type of results. The only area i have fallen shirt is finding a tribe where you can work with a group to help each other. I’ll be taking a look at those you’ve mentioned. Thank you

      • Bob

        Hey Larry… congrats on your results. Awesome.

        Yes, I think tribes are a great way to push your blog through to the next level. Keep us posted!

    • Darves

      Awosome-this post are really informative that’s why thanks for sharing this i really use this kind of idea.

      • Bob

        Glad you enjoyed it!

    • JKenyatta

      Hey, incredible post. i’m just starting to do backlinking and social mesia bookmarking to increase my rank. i wanted to know thoguh. I have about 20 links-linking back to my site buy doesn’t acknowledge it, why is that? When I check how many links I have linked to my site at it says “no data found” and yes all of places i post allow linkbacks. I just don’t know the problem. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks

      • Bob

        I’m not sure what the problem would be. I am by no means an Alexa expert, so perhaps you want to Google it to see what those more experienced have to say.

        You may also want to consider having an Alexa audit done. It costs a bit of money but I’ve heard you get some great recommendations from Alexa on improving your site and getting a better rank. You can find the link on their site at

        Good luck! Stop back and let us know what you’ve found. I’m curious what the problem is, also.

    • Jessica

      Wow! So you’re Alexa rank dropped THAT much in just 30 days?? Congratulations! Now I see on the sidebar that you’re at 112?! Thanks for sharing the tips and keep up the hard work! It’s definitely paying off 🙂

      • Bob

        Thanks, Jessica… it’s a process and a journey, for sure! 🙂

    • Brigitte Mehr

      Great post Bob, I love blogging and I totally agree with you when you say you have to shift your mindset and become a grade A serious blogger. Mindset is the major shift that most people have to make – it should be the main thing and it is always the hardest but once you do it you wonder what took you so long.

      • Bob

        Hi Brigitte, fantastic to see you here again!

        Mindset is truly the key to making the hurdle from the blogging hobbyist to the serious blogger. No doubt about it.

        But thinking about it, this is pretty much true of anything significant you want to accomplish. Hmmm……

        Thanks for stopping by, Brigitte

    • Patti Hale

      I enjoyed read your article. I am just beginning to blog so I was glad I ran across your site. I stayed longer than 4 minutes, lol

      • Bob

        Hey Patti,

        Glad this information was useful to you. And I’m really glad to hear how long you stayed on the site. We must be doing something right if you were willing to spend your limited time on our blog.

        We are honored! 🙂

        See you again soon, Patti!

    • Argie Monroy

      I do really think that Alexa rankings work best on sites with regards to the internet marketing or blogging niche. There have been some blogs with a viable amount of traffic but dont do good with their Alexa rankings. And some of those blogs are on a different niche.

      • Bob

        Hi Argie, I’m not sure about how Alexa differs in other niches. I’m not by any means an Alexa expert, but I have been able to find what works best for me.

        Thanks for the comment, Argie!

    • Tony Tate

      Great post with great results. Congrats on such terrific progress with your blog! It is funny how things begin to go your way when you have the right mindset and a plan in place. Thanks for sharing your experience and giving us all a simple formula to follow. I will be back!
      Tony Tate

      • Bob

        Hi Tony,

        Glad to see you here. You’re absolutely right — mindset and plan are 2 essentials. Then I would say sticking to the plan, even when things don’t seem to be moving as fast as you’d like – this is also an essential component.

        Thanks for the comment, Tony.

    • Linnea

      Hey Bob,

      I just love posts like this that explore and report on real world results. It can be so inspiring not only to othrs but to yourself as you see the improvements made as a direct result of your work. Congratulations on the improvement in our rank and I hope you keep up the great work.

      • Bob

        That’s very true, Linnea…. sometimes we don’t fully appreciate what we’ve accomplished until we see it in print or on video. That was very true in this case.

        Thanks for the encouragement! We’ve continued to see improvement and will be reporting more on this soon.

        See you again soon, Linnea!

    • DJ Trinity

      My blog’s Alexa rank was affected when I removed the Alexa Sparky extension for Firefox. I did it because I installed another extension that included a PR checker. I didn’t know that it would make my rankings suffer. I’ve reinstalled the Alexa Sparky plugin and I hope that my Alexa ranking would go “down” again.

      I guess the visitors of the website are who improve the page rank !! we can’t assume that we can get it better because the visitor must install the Alexa toolbar.

      In fact, Alexa wants to count the high quality visitor, as what they see is that people who install there toolbar are the quality ones.

      Great Post About Alexa, thanks for it.

      Btw, nice blog. Enjoyed reading your posts. I’m adding you to my blogroll if you don’t mind. 🙂

    • raverture

      Which is the best Google Page Rank or Alexa? It is a confusing at times that you have a rank in Alexa But not in Google. Perhaps, Google rate it unranked and Alexa in numbers. 🙂

      • Bob

        This is a great question and one that will generate many answers, depending on who you talk to.

        Here are my thoughts — neither GPR or Alexa are perfect. They both have their flaws. The difference in the most simplistic terms is that Alexa is a crude measure of your traffic and popularity, while Google Page Rank is more determined by your linkage (internal and external).

        I hope this helps clear up your confusion.

        Thanks for the great question. See you again soon!

    • Kesha

      I love this! Isn’t it great to see results like this (esp the alexa ranking)! I’m starting a new blog and I’m going to be tracking the same so I can simulate similar results 🙂

      And of course we’re in some of the same content/blogging tribes so we both they are extremely useful they can be.

      I guess it doesn’t hurt that I like commenting on blogs 🙂

      See ya soon!

    • Yen

      Dr. Bob , 😀
      Cool. Congrats to the real bloggers world. Wow..Fabulous result.
      In the next coming month,what will make you excited about ?
      R u ready to drive external traffic?
      Have fun!


      • Bob

        Hi Yen,

        Thanks for the encouraging words. My blog is starting to take off and gain a foothold, and the traffic seems to be finding us!

        I have continued to see improvements in my blog performance this past month. Our biggest excitement is that soon I will publish my first post on another blog (Guest Post).

        We can’t wait to see the benefits of this!

        Thanks, Yen! Appreciate the kind words.

    • Kavita

      Congratulations on your improvement in your social ranks. I think blog commenting and tribes are two best ways to better rankings. I need to be more aggresive on that. Thanks for the excellent article.

      • Bob

        I love tribes, Kavita! I am in two great tribes. The first is called Empowered Tribe. This is a group of younger entrepreneurs who support each other and train new members with their products (free to tribe members). The second tribe I belong to is called Clever Marketer with Heather Stephens. This is a blog commenting tribe where we support each others blogging with comments, likes, shares, and feedback to make us better at our craft. It’s an excellent group.

        Blog commenting is powerful! It’s a great way to build incoming links to your blog, but more importantly its a great way to build relationships with readers and other bloggers.

        Thanks for your comment, Kavita. Great to see you here!

    • Hawk

      Hey Bob, Congrats for the results you have achieved and hope it will increase day by day! Thanks for sharing the information how you have achieved success in online world.

      Blogging is most effective way to boost traffic and ranking as Search Engines likes new and unique content, the other factor is Social Media – Facebook and twitter has been so much popular that is very hard to avoid.

      • Bob

        Hi Hawk,

        When you combine blogging with social media it can be a very powerful marketing combination, no doubt. But I find that I must concentrate on one or the other to use my time most wisely. As such, I spend most of my time blogging but then use social media to drive traffic back to my main marketing piece, my blog.

        Thanks for sharing your insights!


      How I Boosted my Blog’s Alexa Ranking by 108% in 30 Days…

      In the following post, I’m going to show you how I was able to boost my blog’s Alexa Ranking by 108% and dramatically increase my traffic, subscribers and comments in just 30 days. The best part? It’s something anyone can do — even Part Time Networ…

    • SERPD

      How I Boosted my Blog's Alexa Ranking by 108% in 30 Days…

      n the following post, I’m going to show you how I was able to boost my blog’s Alexa Ranking by 108% and dramatically increase my traffic, subscribers and comments in just 30 days. The best part? ……

    • Dennis Edell

      Hang in there Heilagr, if Google updates it at all, it’s every 3 months or so. They are notorious for going longer lately. You my get some on the next pass; no promises.

      Dennis Edell recently posted..100 Down Thousands to Go!

    • Jayne Kopp

      Hey Dr. Bob, Congratulations! Is it not so fulfilling when you see your Alexa score drop… and of course all the other milestones. When I started blogging consistently, rather than leaving my blog also for weeks sometimes 🙁 I saw mine go from 699,000 (that was after a couple of weeks of consistent blogging, it was probably in the 700’s+ to be honest) but in any event 699 when I took a recording, and it plummeted down to in the 150’s within about 70 days. It seems to get stuck in the 120’s these days… I guess its the narrowing of the funnel so to speak… it fluctuates. It’s maddening when it increased by a thousand or two… so I try to ignore it… but then when it drops a good 5 or 6,000 it makes me smile.

      Consistency is the name of the game, but your results truly are remarkable! Keep it up Bob. It is great to see. Your content is awesome as well. Good on your for becoming strict with your commitment.


      • Bob

        Hi again Jayne!

        What you said about Alexa Rank is true… they drop sharply when you first start taking action (writing posts, replying to comments, etc) but then the improvements come slower as you get better. I think it’s because it’s easier to jump over inactive or poorly written blogs at the start, but as you get better, so does the competition.

        It reminds me of weight loss. Back when I was way too heavy, I decided to lose weight. I lost a lot of the weight quickly, but the lighter I got the harder it became to lose at the same rate. The gains were less as I got thinner. Same is true with improving your blog, I feel.

        Anyway, off I went on a tangent. Thanks again for the great feedback on our blog, Jayne!

        Thanks for stopping by!

    • Tisha

      Hi Bob,

      Congrats! I see you had your “Ah Ha moment”. Isn’t it a great feeling when you figure out and accomplish that very thing you’ve been wanting. I implemented everything you have spoken about and got the same results. I highly recommend for every blogger to follow these steps.


    • Tosin

      Hello Dr Bob,

      A very big congratulations to you. You have worked so hard and really deserve it.

      It starts with being committed and I like that you have a schedule. Really shows you practice what you preach.

      Looking forward to seeing it drop even further.


      • Bob

        Hey Tosin,

        Thanks so much for your support and encouragement. One of the best part of our tribe here at CleverMarketer is that it keeps me accountable to keep working hard and moving forward!

        I appreciate the comment! See you again soon!

    • Heilagr

      You know, I have a Dang Good Blog. And it is still at PR 0 even though I am getting 2-3k visits a month. I just don’t get it. I’m backlinking as I can, but no matter how high the PR place I backlink, my PR stubbornly says at 0.

      I really wish I knew what I was doing wrong in the eyes of the Google Gods.

      • Bob

        Google can be a finicky beast, for sure. My limited knowledge of Google Page Rank is that it has a lot to dow with other authority sites linking to your site. You can check inbound links by going to your subscription service (mine is Feedburner). I don’t know how to check exactly which sites are linking to you, though.

        Anyone know the answer to this?

        Thanks for the comment! Don’t give up!

    • Justin


      Sounds like you changed your blogging strategy and got awesome results in the process. The more that we put into blogging the more we get out of it.

      • Bob

        That’s certainly true, Justin. The more we work we put into anything having to with our businesses, the more results we will see. This is especially true with blogging.

        Thanks for stopping by!

    • Dennis Edell

      I’ll be in touch! 😉

    • Lou Barba

      Hi Bob,

      Unless a person is living under a cloud, it should be possible to improve blog rankings by using the methods you have listed. Good luck with your blog and your job and family. Maybe someday there will be more hours in each day. 🙂

      Lou Barba

    • Jon


      You’re doing great things here and your content is rock solid. I’ve enjoyed coming by and reading and it’s fantastic to see that your stats have greatly improved. Isn’t it encouraging?!

      I’m intrigued about your thoughts on commenting. Especially since you’re going to be writing a post on the topic. There seems to be a great divide among content publishers on commenting; some folks think it’s a waste, others swear by it.

      Way to be persistent – now keep your momentum!


    • Rowena Bolo

      Hi Bob,

      I believe everyone else here who already commented and I, truly admire the commitment that you have put on your blogging efforts and your home-based business as a whole. This is why I would like to show my support to your blog to the best that I can, because you and Rose are truly an inspiration to part-time entrepreneurs!

      Honestly, when I first visited your site, I was really thinking that your blog deserves way much better than the last “Social Proof” stats that were displayed. Then, I realized that you are still doing your medical profession full-time! And even considering this fact, your blog then is a lot more impressive than the millions of other MLM blogs out there.

      I congratulate you and Rose for taking this step – you went out there, joined the tribe, promoted your site, and really put your heart and mind into it. I can’t wait to see your stats skyrocket 🙂

      Thanks again for all the inspiration!

      – Rowena

      • Bob

        Hi Rowena,

        We so appreciate the kind words and support. When Rosemary and I first considered placing our Alexa Ranking and other stats on our blog, we knew they weren’t the kind of awesome numbers that others have posted. In fact, we knew that our Alexa Ranking was mediocre at best. But we decided to be transparent and put everything out there.

        We developed a strategy for improving our rankings and decided to take our readers along for the ride, each step of the way. This article was the first step in this journey. We believe that people love a success story, especially as they watch it develop. It gives others a kind of feeling like “If they can do it, so can I’. I hope that’s what we accomplish with these set of posts.

        Thanks to you and the rest of the CleverNetworker community for your continued support and for keeping me accountable in my efforts!

    • Marcus Baker

      HI Bob,

      What a fabulous celebration post! Well done on all your success.

      I am a firm believer in deliberate creation via the law of attraction. For this reason I loved seeing that your #1 reason had to do with your decision to be a serious blogger.

      When we change our mindset we allow all manner of good ideas to manifest and then what we need to help us achieve our goals comes to us with ease.

      Looking forward to reading more about your success strategies Bob!


      • Bob

        Hi Marcus,

        Thanks so much for the encouragement and support. Our community over at CleverMarketer is so amazing and keeps me accountable.

        You’re so right about mindset – I honestly feel that 90% of success in anything is won through the mind. That being said, once you’ve created this mindset of success you need to take action to make it happen. That’s where my strategies come into play, and I’ll be glad to share all with you guys as I test them!

        Thanks for stopping by!

    • Dennis Edell

      Hey Bob, I haven’t really learned Skype yet. I will if I have too, lol, but do you use yahoo messenger by chance?

      • Bob

        Hey Dennis,

        Unfortunately I am not on Yahoo Messenger, but why don’t you drop me an email and we can touch base and figure out a good time to chat. My email is

        Looking forward to it!


    • Devesh

      Hi Bob,

      Congratulations on the awesome achievement. Blog commenting is great way to improve your alexa ranking and at the same time build relationship and connect with author of a blog.

      Thanks for sharing this awesome post. Keep up the rocking work mate.


      • Bob

        It’s true Dev, blog commenting has been, and continues to be a cornerstone in my traffic generation strategy. It’s so powerful in that not only can you drive traffic back to your own blog, but you can build strong relationships with other bloggers along the way. In the long run, these relationships may prove to be more valuable than the traffic to the success of your business!

        Thanks for stopping by!

    • Jeanine Byers Hoag

      Wow, congratulations on your improved ratings and rankings! It’s very encouraging for me to keep at it and I will be paying close attention to your post about the blog commenting strategy. I tend to do just what you said, I comment on posts that seem interesting. I am beginning to be more on purpose about it, but am looking forward to seeing your suggestions.

      I am amazed that you saw so much improvement with only 2 posts a week. It makes me wonder if I could get by with less than the 5/week I create.

      Great post!

      • Bob

        Hi Jeanine… thanks for visiting!

        If you’re blogging 5x each week you are well on your way to creating a killer blog! Kudos for your consistency!

        I only post 2x/week (3 max) because I don’t have the time to do more. If I found the time, I would definitely doing what you are! Keep it up!

        Thanks for stopping by!


    • Oliver Tausend

      Hi Bob,

      I loved to read about your success story. You really got serious. Blogging consists of multiple disciplines and you took several of them at once, that is nothing short of amazing, in spite of your daytime job and the family obligations. Congratulations to that. I guess that promotion and joining a content syndication tribe were the single most important steps to give your blog a boost.

      Thanks for sharing your insights.

      Take care


      • Bob

        Hey Oliver,

        Thanks for the support and encouragement! You’re right – the act of joining a syndication did a few things at once. It kept me accountable to others to keep writing and these same wonderful people helped promote what I wrote. It was like a light bulb going off in my head.

        Here’s a way I can make friends of other bloggers, learn from their great content and have them help me promote my stuff! WOW! How cool is that!

        Thanks for the visit! Appreciate the comment!

    • Allison Duncan

      Great post!

      I came over from Blog Interact. I have a lot of great material but am still struggling with a boost in traffic. It is definitely an ongoing struggle in a lot of ways. I hope to implement some of these suggestions as I’m about ready to throw hands up in some of these areas.

      But seeing you had tangible results is definitely a boost.


      • Bob

        Hi Allison, thanks for coming over from Blog Interact!

        It CAN definitely be rather frustrating when you know you have great things to say but no one seems to be listening. I felt the very same way.

        All I can tell you is to stay consistent and true to yourself. And get crazy about promoting the great things you are writing. Make noise so others will take notice!

        Thanks for stopping by!

    • Jane

      Hey Bob,

      I am sure that blog commenting pays off. It is a great practice. It helps you build relationship, back links, good for seo, gives social proof (in terms of comments you get) and yes good for the numbers.

      I am sure that Alexa rank is greatly affected by blog commenting and I have experienced this last month. My alexa rank dropped from 85K to 58K in one month due to systematic blog commenting.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have added this post to my tomorrow’s friday roundup.


      • Bob

        Hey Jane, that is one impressive Alexa rank you have there. Seems I have a lot more work to do! 🙂

        I agree about blog commenting. Substantive comments placed strategically on the right blogs are not only great for Alexa but more importantly for getting yourself out there on blogs that your target market hang out on. To me, that’s the biggest upside of blog commenting.

        Great to see you here once again! I see your latest post is on Time Management… going to check it out now. It’s one of my favorite topics!

    • Shaan

      Thats really a nice improvement…Congrats 🙂

      • Bob

        Thanks for the kind words, Shaan!

        and thanks for stopping by!

    • Jenny

      Congrats! Seems like your strategy is getting you results!

      • Bob

        Thanks, Jenny…. appreciate the kind words!

        Thanks for stopping by!

    • Mavis Nong

      Hey Dr Clarke,

      Very impressive. Congratulations on your amazing results in just 30 days!

      There are really no secrets when it comes to building a successful blog. It all starts with making a decision to succeed and tacking action, just like you did.

      To even more successful May!


      • Bob

        Absolutely true, Mavis. The only difference between these past 30 days and the previous months is that I took action rather than just learning and “filing it away for later” (we all do that, right?!).

        Thanks for the encouragement!


    • Jenny

      This is a great post to follow if you’re trying to do what you did. I personally would have liked a little more info on your secrets 😛 But it’s a good start. I have been trying to promote my blog and get people to read it and not leave retarded comments like “OMGIMFOLLOWINGYOU!!” ’cause that’s honestly all I ever get. 🙁 Makes me sad. Hence why my trash folder in WP is full 😛

      But I shall be going through the rest of your site to see if I can find interesting stuffs like this. I can use all the help I can get.

      • Bob

        Hi Jenny,

        So its secrets you want? LOL… over the next several weeks I will reveal more of the nuts and bolts of my strategies. Stay tuned.

        I totally agree that blog comments can sometimes be stupid. Don’t know what you can do about it, other than just keep moving forward and eventually the real commenters will drown out the others. Keep on workin’ at it!

        Thanks for stopping by!

    • Dennis Edell

      Awesome work Bob, truly. If you want to bounce some ideas around, I’m open. 🙂

      • Bob

        Hey Dennis,

        Thanks for your words of encouragement.

        Let’s talk on skype — my skype name is “drobobclarke”. Look me up!

        • Bob

          Hi again Dennis,

          Sorry there was a typo in my skype name — it should be: drbobclarke

    • Emil A. Georgiev


      please accept my respect to what you endeavoured and eventually achieved within a month!

      I have read numerous posts on a subject similar to yours but neither has been so informative, well-written, and refreshing!
      As a consequence, I did share it on all platforms I participate in and subscribed to your RSS -).

      Looking forward to read about your commenting strategy!


      • Bob

        Hi Emil, thanks for the encouragement.

        I’m so glad you found the tips and strategies I shared useful and thank you for sharing! I know how busy everyone is, so I’m grateful for the subscription. I will do my best to never waste your time! 🙂

        Thanks for stopping by!


    • best seo blogging

      Good job! Wow that’s really cool and amazing. Thanks for sharing an inspiration. I’ll take your tips here and make it alive by implementing it my own way. Cheers!

      • Bob

        Thanks for the comment. It was fun to see the results of just a few simple changes to my belief system and work ethic. I’m glad you found my results useful and can use their for your own success!

        Thanks for stopping by!

      • Bob

        Yes, you’re absolutely right. It’s all about taking what you learn and making it work FOR YOU. In other words, take what you like and leave the rest. Our blogging style is a bit of a combination of many of the things I liked from my top mentors.

        Thanks for stopping by!

    • Elite Blogging

      Your site appeared to be pretty beneficial. I have already been looking through your website a lot within the last day or two and it has received an area at my favorites. thanks.

      • Bob

        Thanks for favoriting our blog – we are honored! 🙂

        Glad you have found some of the information useful for your business. We look forward to getting to know you better!

        All the best,


    • Dana

      Thanks to share the ways. From all for these, I find that the tribe is an interesting way to do it. I think I will try it to my blog.

      • Bob

        Being part of a Tribe like, TSA Mastery or the Empowered Tribe are really powerful ways to promote your blog. Definitely give it a look. It’s one of the top reasons for my success this past month!

        Thanks for stopping by!

    • Janet

      Bob, aloha and CONGRATULATIONS on your accomplishment. That’s terrific.

      What made the difference, Bob, is when you decided to treat your blog as a business–just as you do your medical practice and your network marketing business. Building your Brand as you have been doing is a business strategy which you are well on your way to mastering.

      Bob, because I am such a big believer in the importance of effective commenting, I look forward to reading your post on commenting. Over the time that I have been commenting, I know that how I do has evolved. Makes sense, doesn’t it? The more we do something, the better we become at doing it.

      Again, Bob, kudos to you. Thx for the many shares and comments on my blog. Until next time, aloha. Janet

      • Bob

        Amen, Janet! Treat your business like a business! We hear it so much nowadays that maybe we get a little numb to the truth.

        But it’s right there in front of us, visible for all to see. Anyone who has seen any success in Network/Internet Marketing treats their business for what it is — a money making enterprise. Yet, every day I see networkers complaining that they aren’t seeing results, and all along they are hobbyists, not entrepreneurs.

        I’m working away on that blog commenting post, not on paper yet, just in my head. It’s where I do most of my writing! 🙂

    • Suresh Khanal

      This is great experience you’ve shared and congratulations for your continual progress. Yes! Be real blogger – the best way to improve. But reading the title of your post on BlogInteract I was expecting something more about Alexa 😉

      • Bob

        Welcome Suresh!

        Thanks for the encouragement! You’re right, the first step in seeing great results is to make the decision that you will “go for it” and not let anything stop you.

        Thanks for stopping by!



      How I Boosted my Blog’s Alexa Ranking by 108% in 30 Days | MLM Network Marketing Success Tips…

      In the following post, I’m going to show you how I was able to boost my blog’s Alexa Ranking by 108% and dramatically increase my traffic, subscribers and comments in just 30 days. The best part? It’s something anyone can do — even Part Time Networ…

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