If you're Part Time in your home business and looking for the best lead generation strategies, this post will really help you out.

There are so many ways to generate leads online today, which are both good and bad.  It's good because there are so many ways to choose from and you can tailor your interest and skills to specific lead generation strategies.

What's not so good is that it can be overwhelming for the newbie to try and figure out which way to turn.

There are generally 2 types of lead generation strategies:

  • Paid Methods (cost money)
  • Free Methods (organic)

If your marketing budget is limited, you may be forced to use primarily free lead generation strategies.  That's okay, but understand that it might take a little longer to get some traction and start generating leads.

Examples of free methods are social media marketing, Craiglist, free classified ads, video, and blogging.

If you have a marketing budget to work with, you'll be able to leverage paid marketing strategies, which include Pay-Per-Click advertising, Pay-Per-View ads, media buys, and Facebook advertising (there are many more).

Paid methods can often result in FASTER leads coming into your business; however, they are often COLD leads, in that they don't know you and it may take them a while to warm up to you and check out your offers.

Free Lead Generation Strategies For Part-Time Marketers

There are 3 free methods I use regularly and recommend:

1.  Video — video is KING when it comes to branding you and getting your prospects to feel as if they know you.  There's nothing like seeing a person, hearing them speak and watching their gestures that helps you feel familiar with someone.  Video marketing is free and it's never been easier and faster to make a video).

There is a learning curve to understanding how to get your videos ranked for keywords in your niche, but once you get the knack for it, you'll never look back.

Excellent Resource:  This Is How Your Videos Can Compete With The Big Marketers


2.  Facebook – I love Facebook for it's engagement and relationship building abilities.  I've built a large portion of my business on Facebook and it's been very rewarding.

The key is to BUILD relationships, not force them.

Once mistake most newbies to Facebook make is to bring up their business too fast, and try to “get” others to join them.  It's a slower process than you might like, but in the end the relationships you build can be solid.


3.  Blogging – another of the free lead generation strategies that I've used since the very first days of owning a business.  What I love about blogging is that it is YOURS.  No one can cancel your account or ban you from posting, as has happened on Facebook and YouTube (assuming your blog is self-hosted).

Your blog is about helping others and finding your VOICE.  It's a hugely powerful way to generate leads once you start getting people to visit your blog on a regular basis (“traffic”).   This can take some time, so I would not consider this to be a fast lead strategy, especially for newbies.

Paid Lead Generation Strategies:  Do You Need Them?

I wouldn't say you NEED them, but if you're a Part-Timer I strongly recommend having at least a small marketing budget where you can run some ads at low cost.

The advantage is, of course FASTER leads.

The disadvantage is you are generally running “cold traffic” to your ads (people who don't know you).

But if you have a good converting offer that you are sending paid traffic to, this shouldn't matter as much.


My Favorite of All The Lead Generation Strategies?

Sometimes I get asked what my favorite way is to generate leads.  I'd have to say…


This is a combination of using your own videos that are embedded in Facebook ads.

In other words, you get the best of both worlds…

You get the advantage of BRANDING with video and the SPEED of Paid Advertising using Facebook Ads.

I've been using this very successfully over the past year, tripling my list in size.

And I used this method very successfully during the launch of my product.

Here's an example of one of my Facebook Video ads for The Part Time Business Blueprint:

fb video ad

 Join The Conversation

What lead generation strategies have you been using and how's it going for you?

Leave a comment below and join in the conversation!


Suggested Business Resources

Aweber - building your list has never been so important.  Grab your Free Account.

InMotion Hosting - my preferred web-hosting service

Descript - by far the best video and audio editor I've ever used.

TubeBuddy - if you're doing videos, this will be your best friend

Legendary Marketer - lead generation and business creation platform for affiliate and network marketers.

Fearless Influencer Academy - learn the skills and strategies for growing any business online.


It's Your Time to SHINE!


Dr. Bob Clarke

Email: Bob@BobandRosemary.com

Join our Part-Time Essentials Facebook Group


This post may contain affiliate links to products or services that I trust.  This means that if you make a purchase using the links included in this post, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.  Thank you for the support!

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