If you’re building a side business and struggling to get results, this post is for you.   

In this post, I’m gonna share with you the single biggest breakthrough in my business – the big AHA moment—that allowed me to retire from my healthcare career and go full0time in my side hustle… YEARS ahead of schedule. 

If you’re building a side business – maybe you have a regular job or your time is super tight for another reason…

I know exactly what you’re going through. 

I started my side business 10 years ago so I could retire on my own terms and enjoy life… and it was really rough in the beginning.   

  • I know what it's like to watch others get results and feel frustrated because you don’t have enough time for your business. 
  • I know what it's like to feel embarrassed because you’re not making any money and your coworkers and friends are laughing behind your back.   I totally get it. 

For the first 5 years of my business I felt like a complete failure…… 

Maybe you can relate. 

But then I stumbled on something that ended up changing everything. 

I started reading a book called The One Thing.  

 I read things like…building a side business

And I started learning about The incredible power of ONE. 

 From this book, I learned to ask myself the question that would change my business forever… and this was the big AHA moment for me    


building a side business

A very powerful, almost intimidating question, right?

But once I answered it, it was literally like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.  

I found I didn’t need so much time….   

I didn’t need to try to do 10 things at once – only ONE. 

I made my ONE THING the one activity I had to finish each day before my head hit the pillow. 

And once I did my one thing consistently every day after a while results started to happen and they’ve been growing ever since.  

So what does this mean for you?  

 It’s really good news… 

Because you can stop trying to do everything, and start focusing on ONE THING to get results in your business. 

Imagine no more guessing what to do… 

No more stressing out when you sit down at your computer. 

And imagine how much better you’ll feel about yourself and your business when the results start happening.  


So right now you’re probably thinking…  what's the ONE THING in MY business?

Building A Side Business:  What’s YOUR one thing? 

Well, it can be different for everyone depending on their situation. 

It will also depend on your business model.  The One Thing for Network Marketers may be very different than The One Thing for video marketers or those involved in eCommerce.  

The trick is in taking a realistic look at your business and asking…

What Are My Money Tasks?

You know, those activities that give you the best chance of getting results.

The Really Good News!

Here's the really good news… you don't have to figure it out alone.

I've created a Free Resource called The Stupid Simple Daily Action Guide For Part-Time Entrepreneurs to help you nail down your money activities.  

It's 100% Free… and you can save it on your computer to refer back to when needed.

Best of all… it will take you all of 15 minutes to go through.

Download your copy here.

how to build a side business

Final Words

We all tend to make things more complicated than they need to be.  And having offer after offer hitting our inbox or social media channels doesn't help.

It's time to simplify.  It's time to cut out all those activities that don't really matter.  It's time to get down to work on what REALLY matters.

 And remember at the beginning of the post how I said I wanted to retire on my own terms and enjoy life?

Well, that’s exactly what happened on October 25, 2019, when my wife and I walked away from our healthcare careers, years ahead of schedule, and are now living the good life down here in Naples, Florida.  

I owe much of that happening to implementing the concept of The One Thing.  

 You can do it, too! 


TO GO DEEPER:  How To Create a Daily Method of Operation To Make Your Success Inevitable… Even If You're Part Time


Suggested Business Resources

Aweber - building your list has never been so important.  Grab your Free Account.

InMotion Hosting - my preferred web-hosting service

Descript - by far the best video and audio editor I've ever used.

TubeBuddy - if you're doing videos, this will be your best friend

Legendary Marketer - lead generation and business creation platform for affiliate and network marketers.

Fearless Influencer Academy - learn the skills and strategies for growing any business online.


It's Your Time to SHINE!


Dr. Bob Clarke

Email: Bob@BobandRosemary.com

Join our Part-Time Essentials Facebook Group


This post may contain affiliate links to products or services that I trust.  This means that if you make a purchase using the links included in this post, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.  Thank you for the support!




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