When you generate Network Marketing leads, either paid or free, the biggest barrier you must overcome is TRUST.

If your prospects don't trust you, they won't join you…

It's as simple as that.

So how do you build trust?

It's not an overnight process.

It comes with keeping your word over time, doing what you say you'll do, and showing your prospect that you have value.

It comes with TIME.

Network Marketing Leads:  Jump Starting The Process of Building Trust

There is a way to speed up the process of building trust, and it comes with showing your prospect that you're a serious marketer and not going anywhere.

And to do this, you'll be leveraging the world's biggest search engine….


Here's a question for you…

What do most girls do when they're asked out by a guy they don't know well?

They Google him.

What do you think your prospects will do when you communicate with them for the first time and introduce yourself?

Chances are they'll Google you to find out who you are.

Here's one more question….

What do you think happens when they Google your name and can't find anything about you?

It starts the process of doubt.

That's why I teach others to make a real effort to DOMINATE the first page of Google for their name.

Because people are nosy, they are curious…

And you want to control what they see when they act on that curiosity.

Here's a short video I did a while back while vacationing in the Bahamas, that will teach you a few tricks:


Cool stuff, right?

5 Ways To Dominate The First Page Of Google For Your Name

1.  Check the playing field.

Google your name right now.  Who is dominating it at the moment?

In my case, when I Googled “Bob Clarke”, I soon found that there is a famous hockey player by the same name, and he was all over the first page of search results.

2.   Decide on a name.

No, I'm not saying that you should change your name or assume a different identity.

But if you happen to have a famous name or one with lots of competition, you may need to get creative.

Like I said in the video, I used a “Dr.” in front of my  name (since I am one), as this was a much easier name to rank for.

Later, I decided to rank for “Bob and Rosemary Clarke”, since most people in the Industry know us as a husband and wife team.

3.  Open up social media accounts using the name you wish to rank for.

Open accounts in Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and YouTube with the same name.

For most of our social media accounts, we use the name “Bob and Rosemary”.

This helps us rank for that search term.

4.  Consider doing an “About me” video and placing it on YouTube.

Videos are HUGE when it comes to search engine rankings.

Doing an About Me video and calling it “About __________” is surely to get ranked high on page one of Google.

5.  Sprinkle in some Press Releases.

Press releases rank very well on Google, so consider writing them whenever you accomplish anything of significance.

You can submit them to many different distribution sites, but I find that Webwire.com press releases rank very well.

If you don't know how to write a press release, outsource it over on Fiverr.com for $5.

network marketing leads image

Network Marketing Leads:  Tell Them What To Do

Finally, I urge you to take an active role in telling your new Network Marketing leads how to find more information about you.

Don't take chances with this.

Tell them EXACTLY what to Google to find you.

In my very first autoresponder message that my network marketing leads receive, I tell them this:


“Maybe you're curious about us…
Want to be sure we can be trustedeven.
That‘s cool, don't blame you.
Go ahead and Google “Bob and Rosemary Clarke”…
You'll see that we're well respected and very serious in what we do as marketers and business owners.”

Final Thoughts

Learn to leverage the power of Google Search to your advantage when it comes to branding yourself and building trust.

By dominating the first page of Google for your name, your Network Marketing leads will immediately be impressed and begin trusting you right off the bat.


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    5 replies to "Network Marketing Leads: How To Build Trust Right From Day One"

    • Marguerite Maynard

      You’ll be able to piggyback off their already established authority and trust within the search engines.

    • Essie Best

      We all sell every day, we sell a concept of ourselves in how we speak to people, how we present ourselves and I think we inherently understand this. But before I want to do business with someone, I want to know I can trust them, and that I am not being used. I think many corporations still don’t get that about this medium yet. People don’t join your Facebook page to be your word of mouth sales force. Building up trust with your audience is paramount and you do that by giving first. You have to give something, and often for a long time, before you can ask. In fact, if you do this right, you won’t have to ask, they will ask you, they will offer to help.

    • Kurt Webb

      Understanding how MLM lead generation works is critical if there is any success to be had when it comes to virtually any type of business. Some businesses rely solely upon referrals, however, those are still considered leads and they are every bit as important as any other type of lead. The bottom line is that network marketing leads need to be nurtured at every level in order to turn into sales.

    • Calra

      Hey, Bod and Rose! Thanks for this post about marketing strategies and building trust and credibility. I enjoy reading all your works. 🙂

    • daniel

      Networking marketing is pretty tough with so much competition. thanks a lot for your tips.

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