There's no lonelier feeling in the world for a marketer...
You get all pumped up about a product promotion,
You prepare your Facebook ads and your blog posts,
You write a killer email
For Part-Time Marketers, few things are as important as TIME...
and finding ways to better use and save time are a virtual goldmine.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...
This time of year, goal setting gets very popular.
Everyone wants to improve their lives in some respect, and what better time to start than a brand new year?
Unfortunately, the reality
It's no secret that finding the time to build a home business can be a challenge, particularly for folks who have a Full Time Job or are otherwise extremely busy.
There are 2 truths when it comes to TIME and building your business.
There usually isn't ENOUGH of it.
We tend to waste it doing the COMFORTABLE rather than the NECESSARY.
I've made
Part Time MLMers have enough time challenges -- they certainly can't afford to waste time in their marketing business.
And for some, the BIGGEST time waster of all is.... FACEBOOK!
Facebook is
The holidays are quickly approaching and with that comes the CRAZINESS to trying to fit everything you need to do into a very short time.
You have to set your priorities...
We all know how important they can be to your success. I've written about it extensively here on this blog.
But here's the truth...
Live Events can be a MAJOR Pain