I was on the phone with a prospect one day, when he spurted out, “I read online that most people fail in Network Marketing, what chance do I have?”
The good
I've read a lot of articles about steps to overcoming obstacles in your business. Most provide useful information in general - things like "believe in yourself" and "never quit" -
“Hi, my name is Bob and I am a perfectionist.”
“Hi, Bob….”
If there was such a thing as Perfectionists Anonymous, I would be there, front and center.
I’d be the one leading
“It can wait until tomorrow, right?”
If I had a nickel for every time I heard this phrase from my kids, my students, my business partners, and yes, even myself…. I’d
Back when Rosemary and I first started our Network Marketing business, we had no idea what it meant to “understand your niche.” Heck, we didn’t even know what a niche
Finding a niche is critical to the success of your business. You know who I mean, that select part of the population that not only needs, but craves your products
Today is a big day here at BobandRosemary.com; today is the day where we’ve reached a significant milestone in our business.
Today is a day for celebration!
You see, the post you
You want to be productive in your business but when you get home from work, you're exhausted.
Let's talk about that.
If you're like most part-time entrepreneurs, you work all day your