It's been a while since I posted here, and there's a reason.
A few weeks ago, we began having troubles with our blog hosting company. They kept shutting down our site
When you generate Network Marketing leads, either paid or free, the biggest barrier you must overcome is TRUST.
If your prospects don't trust you, they won't join you...
It's as simple as
I hear this all the time...
"I'm not like you, no one listens to me."
To that, I say.... HOGWASH!
Anyone can increase their influence with people if they're willing to do one
People are skeptical.
They are cynical.
They are scared that they'll be scammed.
And who can blame them?
Hypesters, check flashers, bait and switch artists abound around the internet today.
To these people (is this
Many people struggle with building their list... that's all they think about.
Get more people on my list...
More people.
More people.
They get so focused on building their list numbers and they FORGET
I love the old Rocky movies with Sylvester Stallone.
At least the first couple, until the remakes got ridiculous :-)
I find them to be really motivational.
There's one scene in particular that
Many of you know the story of how Rosemary was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and how we just celebrated her 5 Year Anniversary Cancer Free.
What most don't know is the
Are you practicing Attraction Marketing or Repulsive Marketing?
This fun, tongue-in-cheek training will show you what you could be doing wrong online, things that could label you a SPAMMER or worse.