There are a multitude of ways to market any product, service, or opportunity online. You can choose to market using videos, articles, press releases, or forums. You can blog, you can post classified ads, you can advertise in ezines, or you can try your hand at paid search marketing.
But you’ll never realize the success you’re looking for unless you first master 3 very basic, fundamental and critical online marketing skills.
These 3 skills are no secret to online marketers, but people are usually so eager to get their product in front of others that they fail to do the necessary groundwork that will bring them the most success.
The 3 most critical online marketing skills that will form the foundation of your business are:
Keyword Research
When you want to find something online, you go to a search engine, type in a search term or phrase, and you are rewarded with relevant results. In essence, you are using keywords to get information.
The key for online marketers is to determine which keywords or keyword phrases prospects use most often when searching for their product or service online. This is better known as keyword research, and it is probably the most critical online marketing skill to master. Keywords drive almost every form of marketing online, including videos, articles, press releases, blogs, paid search, and almost any other method you can think of.
Keywords rule the internet, and if you can master the skill of keyword research then you will be able to apply that knowledge throughout your marketing campaigns.
Perry Marshall is considered one of the foremost authorities on Keyword Research and Pay-per-click advertising. You should consider purhasing his signature product or get his free training if you want to learn keyword research.
Your words influence your potential buyers to take action. You don’t need to be a master copywriter to succeed in online marketing, but the more you know, the less you will have to outsource and the more profit you can keep for yourself.
At the very least, you should be able to craft a compelling headline that will lead people to see more of what you have to say. You need to get inside your prospects head and provide answers to their most compelling questions or problems.
Copywriting is part art, part science, and extremely profitable when done correctly.
Subscribe to and follow one of the foremost copywriting blogs that I’ve found very helpful in learning the art and science of copywriting. The blog is called Copyblogger.
Posturing and Positioning
How you appear to your prospect or buyer is even more important than your actual offer. People are looking for a leader, someone to follow that can help them get the results they’re seeking. If you can be that person, you will have prospects knocking down your door, and you will never have to make another cold prospecting call ever again.
This third critical online marketing skill usually comes with time as you gain more experience and expertise, but it is not until you master this skill that your business will grow beyond all expectations. Once you can position yourself as the leader to be sought after, massive results surely follow.
Mike Dillard’s Black Belt Recruiting is one of the best ways to learn the art of Positioning in terms of Network Marketing and MLM.
You can get training in all 3 areas — keyword research, copywriting, and positioning — with one product. Get access to Mike Dillard’s MLM Traffic Formula II here.
It pays to devote both time and a portion of your marketing budget to learning these 3 critical online marketing skills. There are numerous courses and books available online that can set the groundwork, but real mastery is found once you implement what you’ve learned, assess the results, and build on what’s working.
If you can master the skills of keyword research, copywriting, and the ability to position yourself as the leader, you can basically write your own ticket on the Internet.
To your success!